Apple Health Expansion for Immigrants:
如果你住在华盛顿州,你可能有资格注册苹果健康扩展保险, even if you immigrated to the United States and/or are undocumented. 了解更多.


Puede que要求在Apple Health Expansion(苹果健康扩展服务)中使用符合条件的签名, incluso si usted inmigró a los Estados Unidos y/o es indocumentado. Aprende马斯.


没有健康保险的生活可能会使你的个人和财务健康处于危险之中. 《正规手机网赌软件》让几乎每个人都能获得医疗保险. 保险  premiums are reasonably priced or even free, depending upon your family size and income, 你不能因为既存状况而被拒绝医保.

Find affordable health insurance

V所有ey Medical Center 计费 and Payment Procedures

View Brochure

感谢您选择十大正规网赌软件来满足您的医疗需求. 我们的使命是改善我们所服务的社区的整体健康和福祉. 我们希望您了解在整个计费过程中可以预期什么. 为了向您清楚地解释我们的计费和付款程序,请查看 this brochure which explains: Information about Submitting a Claim, Payment 选项, Bills From Other Providers and Other Provider Numbers. 

如果您有任何问题或想了解更多信息,请访问v所有eymed.或致电我们的患者金融服务(PFS)部门1.855.826.1540 or 425.690.3578, option 5. 

We offer several ways to pay your bill.

About the Billing Process

Any services provided by contracted providers—surgeons, radiologists, anesthesiologists, pathologists, 等.—will be billed separately by the physician's billing office. 了解更多 about bills from contracted providers.


在保险公司处理您的索赔时,您可能会收到信息报表, 但是,在确定并以账单的形式寄给您之前,您将不需要付款. 除了, 如果您的保险公司需要更多信息来处理您的索赔,您可能会收到十大正规网赌软件的一封信.

If your visit is the result of a motor vehicle or non-work related accident:

  • You will be required to provide 所有 汽车保险或其他第三方责任信息15日内. 在为您的医疗保险开单之前,VMC将从该来源为您的护理付款. 大多数医疗保险政策要求在处理您的索赔之前向所有第三方支付账单. (十大正规网赌软件可能会选择留置权,对您可能因受伤而寻求的任何潜在解决方案进行留置权.)

If your visit is the result of a work-related accident or illness:

  • 十大正规网赌软件将向华盛顿州劳工部收费 & 行业,或其他雇主自保工人补偿计划. 我们将在法律规定的时间框架内提供有关您的事故和健康状况的信息,以便您可以获得与工作相关事故相关的任何时间损失费或其他福利. If you have any questions regarding statements or bills received, please contact Hospital Patient Financial 服务 at 1.855.826.1540 or 425.690.3578, option 5. We will be happy to assist in any way we can.

Note About Clinic Bills

医疗保险将以下VMC诊所办公地点重新分类为医院门诊部, requiring VMC to bill in two parts. 这意味着一些患者可能会收到设施费用和医疗保健提供者费用的单独账单. 了解更多.

  • Cascade Clinic | 初级护理
  • Covington Clinic North | Specialty Care
    • 心脏病学
    • Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
    • Midwives Clinic
    • Rheumatology Clinic
    • V所有ey Women's Healthcare (OB/GYN)
  • Covington Clinic South | Primary care
  • Kent Clinic | 初级护理
  • Kent Clinic | Specialty Care
    • Diabetes 教育 & Nutrition Clinic
    • Nephrology Clinic 
    • Podiatry Clinic
    • V所有ey Women's Healthcare (OB/GYN)
  • Maple V所有ey | 初级护理
  • V所有ey Family Medicine

If you have any questions regarding statements or bills received, please contact the Patient Financial 服务 Department. We will be happy to assist in any way we can.  

Prevention & Routine 服务
(Additional Charges / Split 计费)



  • 根据你的年龄、性别和健康状况进行体检
  • Detailed questions about your current health status
  • Determination of risk for health problems and diseases
  • 推荐适合你年龄和性别的筛查试验/疫苗

During these visits, 您的医生也很乐意为您提供其他服务或讨论您可能遇到的其他问题. 然而, 重要的是要知道,讨论或管理一般覆盖常规护理服务之外的问题 may not be covered under your insurance’s preventive care benefits, 您可能会根据您的保险计划的利益而产生自付费用. 


  • Evaluation and management of new or worsening health conditions (i.e. 感冒症状、皮疹、肌肉疼痛或慢性疾病(如胆固醇或糖尿病)
  • 用于评估新病症或监测现有病症的诊断测试

If you prefer to receive only preventive care during your visit, let your provider know at the beginning of your visit.  To address additional concerns at another time, you are welcome to schedule an appointment with the clinic staff, 拨打患者资源中心425-690-3535或通过MyChart查询.

After Your Insurance Has Processed Your Bill

在您的保险公司回复付款或承保信息后,十大正规网赌软件将发送一份声明,显示您将欠下的任何个人财务金额. 没有100%保险的参保患者将在支付保险金后为剩余余额提供财务选择.

How to pay your bill

Questions About Your Bill

For questions about how to read your statement, 点击这里. 如果您对十大正规网赌软件的医疗服务有任何疑问, please contact:

Patient Financial 服务 Department
V所有ey Medical Center
3600 Lind Ave SW, Suite 110
Renton, WA 98057

小时: Monday – Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST
电话: 1.855.826.1540
425.690.3578, option 5
传真: 425.690.9578
电子邮件: Customer Service


Bills From Contracted Providers

Many doctors, ambulance companies, 实验室是独立的业务,有自己的计费和账户程序. Below is a list of groups regularly providing care to VMC patients, 他们可能会也可能不会参与相同的医疗保险合同或提供相同的财务选择, including financial assistance programs.

如果您收到以下供应商的账单并有疑问, please contact them directly.

Contracted Providers
 Associated Emergency Physicians  1.855.736.2703       
 InCyte Diagnostics  800.403.6749
 LabCorp  800.845.6167
 NICU/Seattle Children's  206.987.5770
 OB Hospitalist Group  888.442.8454
 Pacific Medical, Inc  800.726.9180
 PacLab  425.463.3600
 Proliance Orthopedic Associates  425.291.1414
 Tri-Med Ambulance  206.988.5000
 威斯康辛大学医学  855.520.0400
 V所有ey Anesthesia  888.900.3788
 Vantage 放射学 & Diagnostic 服务  253.661.3300


What Are Hospital Services?

医院服务描述了十大正规网赌软件提供的与设施相关的服务的收费. This may include inpatient and/or outpatient care, 如:

  • Emergency Room
  • 植入物
  • Lab/Pathology
  • 药店
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • 放射学
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Recovery Room
  • 呼吸
  • Room Charges to include Nursery, Intensive / Critical Care
  • 供应
  • 手术
  • Therapy to include Occupational / Physical and Speech
  • Treatment room for Clinic 服务 了解更多.

What Are Professional 服务?

专业服务可以描述为V所有ey医疗中心的提供者(医生和/或其他卫生保健专业人员)提供的服务的收费, 如:

  • Office visits or Consultations
  • In-office Lab / Pathology
  • In-office 放射学
  • Fracture Care
  • 普通医学(免疫、心血管、精神病学、特别程序等.)
  • Minor Procedures
  • 手术


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